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Last Man Standing

Goal: Be the last one standing

  • If a player is hit, they must go out of bounds with their blaster. They are out for the rest of the game.

  • Game ends when one player remains.

Freeze Tag

Goal: Freeze everyone on the opposing team

  • When players are hit, they are frozen.

  • If a frozen player is tagged by a teammate, they will become unfrozen.

  • Game ends when one team is completely frozen.

Hunger Games

Goal: Outlast everyone else

  • All blasters are piled in the middle.

  • All players rush the pile and take a blaster.

  • If a player is hit, they must move outside the area of play for the remainder of the game, leaving blasters and ammo behind.

  • Game ends when one player remains.

Give and Take

Goal: Capture the opposing team blasters

  • When a player is hit, they must lay down their blaster and return to home base until a blaster is given to them.

  • Any player may then pick up the blaster and give it to anyone on their team. 

  • Game ends when one team has all the blasters.

Touch Down

Goal: Get the flag to the opposite end

  • The flag starts in the middle.

  • The flag can only be thrown to other players (no traveling).

  • If any player is hit, they must drop the flag, if in possession, and return to spawning area.

  • Anyone can pick up the flag when dropped.

Zombie Tag

Goal: Be the last human

  • Starts out with one person as a zombie.

  • Whoever is touched by a zombie becomes a zombie and lays down their blaster.

  • If a zombie is hit, they must remain still for 5 seconds.

  • Game ends when all but one are zombies.

Capture the Flag

Goal: Capture the opposing team’s flag

  • Flags are placed at each team’s home base.

  • When hit: players drop the flag, if in possession, and return to home base to respawn.

  • Game ends when a team captures the flag and returns with it to home base.

Take and Score

Goal: Get the flag to the safe zone

  • Flag starts at opposite end.

  • If players are hit, they must drop the flag, if in possession, and return to the respawn area.

  • Any players can pick up the flag unless they have been hit and are headed to the respawn area.

  • A point is scored when the flag is delivered to the safe zone.


Goal: Eliminate opposing team

  • Each team designates a medic and a spy.

  • A spy can cross the center line, but if hit, cannot be healed. 

  • When a player is hit, they must sit down until healed by the medic.

  • After a team loses their medic, all players hit must stay out of bounds.

Blindman Lead

Goal: Be the last team

  • Divide into teams of two.

  • One person in each team is blind folded and has the blaster.

  • The other team member, without touching the blaster or person, instructs where to aim and walk.

  • Game ends when one team remains.

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